Barbararing daycare center
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Closing times
- The closing times are communicated to parents at the beginning/end of each year.
- The Barbararing daycare center is closed for three weeks during the summer vacations, between Christmas and New Year and on bridge days.
- Additional closing days due to company outings or staff meetings may occur and will be announced in good time.
Number of seats
- 40 part-time places (7 a.m. to 2 p.m.) from 2 years of age
Our team consists of full-time and part-time nursery nurses, as well as a social assistant and a vocational trainee. We are supported by a housekeeper and a cleaner.
Pedagogical concept
The Barbararing daycare center was opened on 1 J une 2024. The premises of our container house a creative area, a reading and table play area, a construction and role-play area and an exercise area.
We have set up a nest group for our youngest children. If required, they can come to rest in our sleeping room.
All children have the opportunity to eat a hot lunch in our canteen.
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