Cultural associations in idar-oberstein

The lively art and cultural scene in and around Idar-Oberstein is supported not least by numerous cultural associations. The city of Idar-Oberstein supports their activities by providing grants for young members, events and the purchase or repair of musical instruments, costumes and the like.

In order to calculate the 2024 grants, it is necessary to complete the attached form and return it to the Cultural Office by the deadline of 06.12.2024 at the latest.

Important! As a basis for the calculation of the lump-sum grants (see cultural funding guidelines of the city of Idar-Oberstein), copies of the annual membership notifications must be submitted to the respective associations. Applications submitted after the specified deadline can no longer be considered and the entitlement to a subsidy will lapse.

Please send the application for a lump-sum grant and the inventory notification to the Cultural Office by 6 December 2024 by post or email:

Application for a lump sum grant

If there has been a change in the board of your association, please forward this letter to the new chairman or chairwoman for completion. Please try to keep your association information up to date.

Below you will find a list of the cultural associations recognized by the city of Idar-Oberstein.

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