Sporting events in Idar-Oberstein

With around 50 sports clubs, the town of Idar-Oberstein has a wide range of sporting activities on offer. Various competitions and tournaments also take place regularly.

  • Indoor soccer city championships

    The indoor soccer city championships for active players and senior players are organized by the city's sports department in cooperation with the city association of sports clubs. They take place at the beginning of January and are held in the large sports hall Auf der Bein.

  • Indoor sports festival of the LG Idar-Oberstein

    At the beginning of the year, usually in January or February, the indoor sports festival of the Idar-Oberstein athletics community takes place in the Stadenhalle. Further information can be found at

  • Squash city championships

    The Idar-Oberstein Squash Friends organize the Idar-Oberstein Squash City Championships every Shrove Tuesday weekend, which is also the Rhineland-Palatinate/Saar ranking tournament. Further information can be found at

  • Old town run

    The Altstadtlauf is always held on the last Saturday in June in the old town in the Oberstein district. Runs are offered for different age groups over various distances. It is organized by the municipal sports office in cooperation with the city association of sports clubs and TV Oberstein.

    The 35th Idar-Oberstein Old Town Run 2024 will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2024, starting at 3:30 pm. Below you will find the announcement, the registration portal at is now open.

  • Rock church stair run

    The Idar-Oberstein Rock Church Stair Run is an event organized by the city of Idar-Oberstein and the Hagner marathon team. The two races - short run over around 5.4 kilometers with 350 steps, main run over around 8.1 kilometers with 510 steps - take place on the third Sunday in September.

    The 9th Felsenkirche stair run will take place on Sunday, 15.09.2024, from 11.00 a.m. on the Makrtplatz Oberstein. More information at, registration at

  • Sports badge day

    The "Sports Badge Day" campaign is primarily aimed at people who are not active in a club but would still like to take the German Sports Badge. Of course, clubs that already offer the sports badge can also take part in the campaign. On a Saturday in August or September, participants can use the Bein sports ground and complete the necessary disciplines there. The event is organized by the municipal sports office and the city association of sports clubs.

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