Vision 2030" master plan

Vision 2030" master plan

In 2015, it became necessary to prioritize, coordinate and transparently communicate measures in order to be able to pursue forward-looking urban development in times of a highly deficit municipal budget. A strategy group was set up within the administration by the building and economic administration to achieve close networking between economic development, city marketing, city planning and the treasury, with the aim of drawing up a realistic and goal-oriented master plan for the city of Idar-Oberstein.

The master plan entitled "Vision 2030 - Idar-Oberstein, the gemstone of the national park region" was developed as the result of a process that also involved the Economic Advisory Council and all the heads of the city administration. Its aim is to achieve sustainable, future-proof and holistic development of the city of Idar-Oberstein, which will contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the location in the long term.

The following elementary tasks were identified as essential for a successful development process that aims to achieve sustainable, future-proof and holistic development of the city of Idar-Oberstein and contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the location and the entire region.

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