LEADER funding

LEADER funding

LEADER is a methodical approach to regional development that enables local people to help shape regional processes. LEADER funding can be applied for in order to better utilize the potential of a region for its development.

Private individuals and public actors have the opportunity to apply for funding for projects in the following fields of action:

  • Village and urban development
  • Regional economy & energy
  • Tourism and regional identity
  • Natural and cultural landscape

LEADER is supported by so-called Local Action Groups (LAGs).

The LAG Erbeskopf in Hermeskeil is responsible for our region, including the town of Idar-Oberstein. On their homepage you will find all information about LEADER in general, the call for funding, project applications and the project process.


The first point of contact and supporter for inner-city projects is the City of Idar-Oberstein's business development team.

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