Retail concept

Retail concept

The retail sector has been undergoing profound structural change for years, driven by a number of dynamic change processes. Since the first retail trade survey in 2005, the determining factors on both the supply and demand side in Idar-Oberstein have changed considerably. In addition, legal aspects and state and regional planning requirements have been added, which were previously largely ignored.

The "Expert opinion as a basis for updating the retail trade concept" provides a sound basis for the future management of retail trade in the city of Idar-Oberstein. The main aim of the update is to fundamentally strengthen the inner-city areas and to identify guidelines for inner-city retail. This resulted in the definition of the central supply areas in the town centers of Idar and Oberstein, the new version of the product range list and the principles for the spatial development of the retail trade.

Pursuant to Section 9 (2a) BauGB in conjunction with Section 1 (6) no. 11 BauGB. § Section 1 (6) no. 11 BauGB, urban development concepts can be adopted by a municipality to control, develop and maintain the municipal retail trade. With this retail concept, the city council of Idar-Oberstein adopted such an urban development concept on December 5, 2018.

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