The picture shows the view from above of the former Strasbourg barracks, where a business and energy park is to be built

Commercial space management

Commercial and industrial areas

There are currently two municipal commercial and industrial areas in Idar-Oberstein where space is available for commercial settlements.

  • Finkenberg North industrial estate, Idar district


    • Costs: Net land price €17.90/m² plus development costs, water and sewerage charges
    • Availability: please inquire
    • The corresponding development plans are available at
  • Commercial and industrial area "Weidenberg", Weierbach district

    Plan of the Weidenberg industrial estate.

    The "Weidenberg" commercial and industrial area is located in the eastern part of Idar-Oberstein in the Weierbach district (corridors 7 and 8). Its northern boundary directly adjoins the existing Dickesbacher Straße industrial estate.

    • Costs: Net land price € 10.00/m² plus development costs, water and sewerage charges
    • Availability: please inquire
    • The corresponding development plans are available at

    GI sites are currently not available for sale from the municipal side. If you have any queries in this regard, please contact the Economic Development Department directly. The same applies to any remaining commercial areas.


  • Our service for prospective buyers of commercial real estate...

    Idar-Oberstein's business development department will be happy to assist you in your search for new office, retail, commercial and development space in the city.

    We are open to your ideas and will help you find your way around Idar-Oberstein and find the most suitable location for your project. Our local knowledge and close contact with property owners, landlords and managers help us to do this.


    You tell us the wishes/key points of your desired property, such as

    • Interest in specific object/ open to suggestions
    • Purchase/ Rent
    • Existing building/ building plot
    • Size
    • Indispensable

    We will check your request and get back to you immediately to discuss the next steps.

  • Our service for owners, landlords and managers of commercial real estate...

    Owners, landlords and managers of municipal commercial properties are welcome to inform us of any available space/vacancies in Idar-Oberstein so that we can take them into account in any inquiries. The more up-to-date and comprehensive our overview of available commercial properties is, the better we can respond to inquiries.

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