Integrated climate protection concept
The integrated climate protection concept was drawn up between 2018 and 2021 and, with the report dated June 17, 2021, is a building block for the work of the Idar-Oberstein city administration on climate protection.
The creation of the integrated climate protection concept has set processes in motion in which the interests of participating citizens and the city of Idar-Oberstein can be combined with the global goals of climate protection.
Formally, at the time of reporting (17.06.2021), between 17.7 % and 35.8 % of emissions can be saved by the target year 2030 compared to the base year 2017, depending on the scenario. Up to 33.9% of emissions can be saved compared to the base year 2018.
31 climate protection measures are conceptually proposed in the report. Since then, these have been continuously reviewed for feasibility, developed further where necessary and implemented gradually where possible.
The city council decided to implement the climate protection concept at its meeting on July 14, 2021.
The creation of the integrated climate protection concept was funded by the federal government's climate protection initiative, with the funding codes: 67K08759 and 03K08759.
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Sub-concept in own properties
With the creation of the climate protection sub-concept for its own properties in 2013 and 2014, the city became active in the federal government's climate protection initiative. For the conceptual design, 30 city-owned buildings were assessed in terms of their energy efficiency, 8 of which were examined in more detail and 3 even more extensively.
Measures were identified to reduce CO2 and lower energy consumption in the properties examined.
The catalog of climate protection measures in our own properties was and is a decision-making and management aid for the city administration in the implementation of climate protection measures.
The city council decided to implement the climate protection sub-concept at its meeting on 26.03.2014.
The creation of the sub-concept in own properties was funded by the KSI with the funding code: 03KS4407. In the period April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2019, the position of climate protection management was also funded by the federal climate protection initiative with the funding code: 03K01465.
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- Appendix 1: Detailed analysis of the Stadenhalle
- Appendix 2a: Detailed analysis of administration building 2, right-hand section
- Appendix 2b: Detailed analysis of administration building 2, left section
- Appendix 3a: Detailed analysis of Idar elementary school, school building
- Appendix 3b: Detailed analysis of Idar elementary school, gymnasium
- Appendix 4: Detailed analysis of heating and hot water heating in administration buildings 1 and 2 and the municipal utilities
- Appendix 5: Introduction and maintenance of energy controlling